EMDR Intensives in Delray Beach, Florida

Finding flexibility in how you access therapy is crucial, and the standard weekly therapy model is evolving to better serve your needs.

While traditional talk therapy provides ongoing support for working through life’s challenges, two things may be holding you back:

Your schedule is hectic and inconsistent, so committing to weekly sessions feels overwhelming.

You need more immediate, intensive support, and the thought of spending months in therapy makes it hard to believe relief is within reach.

What are EMDR Intensives?

EMDR intensives are extended therapy sessions designed to provide a more focused and efficient approach to processing trauma and distressing experiences. They are ideal for those seeking relief from symptoms quickly, whether you're working through deep-rooted trauma, recent upsetting events, or complex anxiety patterns.

Before your intensive, you'll complete an individualized pre-intensive workbook. This workbook is designed to help you build awareness around your specific patterns, presenting concerns, and treatment goals. This preparation ensures that when we meet, we can dive straight into the core of your healing, maximizing the effectiveness of our time together.

During the intensive itself, you’ll engage in the same EMDR process used in standard therapy but with extended session times. This format allows for uninterrupted, deeper therapeutic work, leading to accelerated progress. Many clients find they can achieve in a few intensive sessions what might otherwise take months of traditional therapy.

Who Can Benefit from EMDR Intensives?

  • Individuals with busy schedules: If you're short on time or prefer to avoid the commitment of weekly sessions, intensives provide an effective alternative.

  • Those struggling with complex trauma or PTSD: Intensives allow for sustained focus on traumatic memories, offering a pathway to quicker relief from symptoms.

  • People experiencing anxiety and panic attacks: If your anxiety feels overwhelming, a concentrated format like an intensive can give you the space to break through stuck patterns and reclaim peace of mind.

  • Individuals working through life transitions: Major life events such as divorce, grief, or career changes can trigger emotional distress. EMDR intensives help you process these emotions and regain stability.

  • Clients seeking faster results: If you're feeling stuck in your healing journey or want to address the root of the problem quickly, EMDR intensives can be a game-changer, often leading to significant breakthroughs in just a few sessions.

An Intensive Program may be the option for you if you’re looking for:

  • Accelerated healing: Dive deep into the therapeutic process without the interruptions of weekly sessions.

  • Custom-tailored sessions: We’ll work together to create an intensive program that fits your specific needs.

  • Pre-intensive preparation: The individualized pre-intensive workbook helps you and your therapist pinpoint areas of focus, making your sessions more effective.

  • More efficient progress: The condensed format allows for quicker results, helping you move through the issues keeping you stuck more efficiently.

  • Privacy and flexibility: You’ll have extended, uninterrupted time to work through the issues that matter most to you, at a pace that works for your schedule.

EMDR Intensive Formats and Pricing

Healing from PTSD is a courageous journey requiring patience and commitment. Intensive programs aim to help you understand what happened, as well as your responses; learn strategies to manage stress; develop a felt sense of safety; and learn how to achieve and maintain freedom from PTSD. EMDR Intensive programs are offered virtually throughout the state of Florida & in-person in Delray Beach, FL.

Included in each intensive:

  • Customized pre-intensive workbook based upon your specific needs

  • 1-1.5 hour pre-intensive appointment to review presenting concerns, goals for treatment, and emotional safety techniques to use during/between sessions

  • Customized post-intensive workbook, designed to support your reflection on new behaviors, attitudes, and responses; establish intentions for how you would like to move forward in your life following the intensive; and identify any additional treatment needs for future therapeutic work.

  • 30-60 minute post-intensive session to review progress made and offer support in your choices moving forward.

You can choose from the following intensive formats:

  • 4-hour Intensive: Perfect for those looking for a short but impactful session. This format is ideal if you want to focus on a single issue or recent trauma.

    • Price: $1,237.50

    • 5.5 Clinical hours, including assessment and post-treatment follow up session

  • 8-hour Intensive: Spread over 2-3 days, designed to provide substantial healing. This is a great option for clients looking to address multiple aspects of trauma, family of origin patterns, or ongoing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

    • Price: $2,500

    • 10 - 10.5 Clinical hours, including assessment and post-treatment follow up session

  • 12-hour Intensive: For those who want a comprehensive deep dive into their healing process. Spread over multiple days or concentrated into fewer sessions, this option provides significant therapeutic momentum.

    • Price: $2,800

    • 14 - 14.5 Clinical hours, including assessment and post-treatment follow up session

  • Customized Intensives: Need something different? We can work together to create a personalized EMDR intensive schedule that fits your unique needs, whether you prefer shorter sessions over several days or longer sessions spread out.

EMDR Intensive FAQs

  • EMDR intensives allow the opportunity to progress through your symptoms in a more succinct and focused way without the interruption of a 50-minute session. An intensive format may decrease overall treatment time because of time not spent on: a) checking in at the beginning of each session, b) addressing current crises and concerns, c) focusing on stabilizing and coping skills that the client won’t need after healing, or d) assisting the client in regaining composure at the end of the session.

    Additionally, the decreased overall treatment time and accelerated treatment outcomes reduce overall costs of therapy. More information can be found here.

  • Yes. EMDR intensives for current clients are available in modified formats and pricing. 

  • Yes. Perhaps you’ve a felt sense that something profound has yet to change, but you’re not quite sure how to shift all the way into a new experience of yourself with your current therapist. Maybe you now cognitively understand new things, yet your body is still confused, so you’re curious about how adjunct EMDR intensive therapy can help. We will identify what format is best for you during your initial consultation.

  • A 4-6 hour, or half-day, intensive offers a multitude of resources and can help to either increase performance and confidence, or significantly decrease the devastating effects of single event trauma (e.g. negative cognitions, disturbing emotions and body sensations). While significant healing can occur in one half-day intensive, Complex PTSD deserves more treatment than one half-day intensive. Many of my clients experiencing Complex PTSD may continue to work on their trauma histories through monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly half-day intensives.

  • Participating in an 8-12 hour EMDR intensive may create impactful change more efficiently than just weekly, 50-minute sessions or even one half-day intensive. These formats offer intensive healing sessions spread out over several days, allowing us to target specific memories, issues, and symptoms causing distress.

    We will identify what format is best for you during your initial consultation.

  • In some cases, insurance may cover the intake and follow-up sessions, reducing the out-of-pocket responsibility for your intensive program. However, because most insurance companies use the traditional “therapy hour” model, full coverage for intensive work can be limited.

Are you ready to break free from past patterns and live authentically? Appointments are available virtually throughout the state of Florida and in-person in Delray Beach. Schedule a free 15-minute intro call to see if we would be a good fit for your therapy needs.