What is Complex Trauma? Learn the Signs and Symptoms
Isobel Aitken Isobel Aitken

What is Complex Trauma? Learn the Signs and Symptoms

Imagine waking up every morning with a sense of unease, as if the world is balanced on the edge of a knife, threatening to topple into chaos at any moment. For many, this isn't just a fleeting feeling but a constant, unwelcome companion. This is the shadowy realm of complex trauma, where past wounds cast long, persistent shadows over the present.

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Deep Dive Into the Neurobiology of Childhood Trauma
Isobel Aitken Isobel Aitken

Deep Dive Into the Neurobiology of Childhood Trauma

If you experienced trauma during childhood, its effects might still be influencing your life today. The experiences we go through as children shape our brains, influencing how we perceive the world, form relationships, and cope with stress. Understanding how childhood trauma affects your brain helps explain many of the challenges you might face today, from anxiety and depression to difficulties in relationships and self-esteem issues.

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