Expert Trauma Therapy and EMDR in Florida

Embodied Freedom Trauma Therapy

Discover the strength that’s already within you.


Trauma Therapy near me

Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, but each of us do have internal working models that shape how we operate. These internal working models impact our emotional and psychological landscapes as well as the roles, behaviors, and patterns that manifest in our day-to-day lives. The experiences and relationships we have throughout our lives - starting at birth - shape our understanding of ourselves, others, and the world around us. Even the most loving upbringings can include experiences that impact our identities in ways that can cause confusion, inhibition, and emotional barriers. What does this look like?

  • Going through the motions without a clear sense of who you are or what you want.

  • Always feeling on-edge, but not being able to pinpoint why.

  • Constantly looking for the next thing, or the next person, to make you feel happy or complete.

Fortunately, trauma-informed therapy offers a way to get unstuck and reclaim your life. If you think you would benefit from trauma therapy, click below to learn more.


I help people release emotional pain, heal relational trauma, improve their relationships, and break unhealthy cycles.

I am a licensed trauma therapist based in South Florida, specializing in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. I’m also a millennial woman who understands first-hand that therapy tailored to your unique needs can help you learn to feel safe, comfortable, and present in your own body and in your own life. I strive to deliver a modern, personable approach and bring my authentic self into every session in order to participate in honest, genuine connection and support your healing within the therapeutic relationship.

I specialize in addressing a wide range of issues, including but not limited to:

  • Anxiety and Stress: Helping you manage overwhelming feelings, cope with anxiety, and find peace.

  • Depression: Supporting you through the darkness and towards a brighter future as you find relief for depression.

  • Relationship Issues: Improving communication, trust, and emotional intimacy so you can have healthy relationships that support your authenticity.

  • Trauma and PTSD: Healing the wounds of past experiences and finding freedom through evidenced-based techniques like EMDR.

  • Childhood Trauma: Healing the long-lasting effects of early adverse experiences and finding freedom from past trauma.

  • Self-Esteem Issues: Building confidence and self-worth, boosting your self-esteem.

  • Emotional Regulation: Managing intense emotions and reactions by learning how to regulate your nervous system and find balance.

  • Life Transitions: Supporting you through major changes and new beginnings.

I understand that life’s challenges can show up in many ways, from constant worry and panic attacks to feeling disconnected in your environment and in your relationships. You might be experiencing difficulties at work, trouble setting boundaries, or a persistent sense of not being good enough. Together, we can explore these feelings and work towards healing and growth. Whether you’re dealing with the weight of past traumas, struggling with current life challenges, or seeking personal growth, I’m here to guide you on your journey.

Personalized EMDR Therapy in South Florida

  • Struggling with Anxiety? Find calm and clarity here.

  • Find lasting freedom from PTSD. Learn more here.

  • Discover your path to recovery. Healing from trauma starts here.


Ready to get started?

Click here to schedule a free consultation.

I offer completely free, no-strings-attached, 15 minute consultation calls to see if we would be a good fit before scheduling your first session.

During your call, you’re welcome to use the time in any way it’s most valuable to you. Typically, you will tell me a little bit about what symptoms you’re experiencing and what you’re looking for in therapy. I can also answer any questions and provide additional information about my services and what our initial sessions would look like.

From there, you’re welcome to ask follow-up questions, decide what you’re options are and what feels most helpful, and go from there!

EMDR Delray Beach